My Best Christmas with my Mom


My Best Christmas with my Mom


This sharing is about one of the last Christmas holidays I had with my mom before she passed away. More on that later.

You must know that I have a to say the least difficult relationship with my mom. It started right before my birth. My grandma was dying and my mom couldn’t be with her mother because she was about to become a mom herself. She resented this situation because she had unfinished business with her mom (!).

The next challenging thing was when my baby brother came along 3 years after I was born. My mom felt that she had to protect him from his somewhat wild sister (me), and the way she thought would do the trick is to burn me down to the ground all the time. I seriously thought something was wrong with me, but after years of soul searching, I concluded that something was wrong with my mom.

All my childhood, I just couldn’t get along with mom, couldn’t agree with her and rebelled her a big headache. But when I had my life together and everything went smoothly and well, my mom her time had come. This opened my eyes for the temporary nature of her life time and our still strained relationship. It was time to change this, and I was not going to wait for her to make the first move. Or rather, I figured she couldn’t make the first move since her ailment was a failing heart. Emotions were just too much for mom and inside that proud woman, lay a broken little heart. So I decided to make a first move to improve our relationship.

December came along and I started making plans for Christmas Day. I brainstormed hard and long on how to have a harmonious family get together. Lots of things wouldn’t have worked, but one thing would stand a chance. This turned out a genius move! Wanna know what happened?

Besides the usual family members, I invited a very best friend of my mom for our Christmas dinner. Of course this didn’t go without the appropriate fuzz (where-will-the-dinner-be questions, OMG that is so much travelling time! and special dietary requests!), but she committed to attend the whole thing.

To make a long story short: we had an amazing Christmas together. Looking back and taking the pictures out of the folder, I only see a very happy mom and a very cheerful bunch of people.

This is to be treasured.

How can you have more happiness and more peace of mind, what is the key to this?

The key to happiness is setting up happy relationships.

For this holiday season, take it step by step and start with the major relationship: the one with your daughter. Learn these valuable relationship skills and be forever done with relationship stress!

Happy holidays and much love from Mother-Daughter-Relationship Problems Tips.

I am a bad daughter but I can’t help it

Level 2  March 2008 374

I am a bad daughter but I can’t help it

I’m a bad daughter I always argue with my mom. I lied to her often. I stole her makeup or money. I didn’t did my chores and I think I never even respect her as a mother.

One of my cousins has such a good relationship with her mom. If I met her with her mom she’ll hug her kiss her.

We simply talk about life together. I envy it. I want to have a great bond with my mom.

I know she loves me but my ego is just too big.

I want to apologize n I want to bond with my mom but I can’t.

I just don’t know how to express it..

My mom said that by end of this year she’ll be living by herself and she wants to divorce too. And I’m the reason why.

I want to improve our relationship but it’s too late maybe. I love her but I can’t express it. I need her but I can’t say it. I want to talk /discuss about life with her but I can’t even say anything..

I wish someone can help me with my problems….


At the end of the day, you are the one improving your Mother-Daughter Relationship. Don’t wait for Mom to do it!

If You Have a Bad Relationship with You Mom…


If You Have a Bad Relationship with You Mom…

3 compelling reasons why you MUST learn more about your bad mother-daughter relationship


  1. Because now you learn how to take charge of your unwanted emotions, like sadness, anger, upset
  1. Because you stop wasting time being unhappy and hurt and can start enjoying life better
  1. Because you can stop being a victim in a bad relationship with your mother and feel upset every time she does or says something nasty to you, or ignores you all together.

Start taking charge of your relationship now!


My Mom & I Run our Universe!


My Mom & I Run our Universe!

I am 18 years and my mom and I run a business together.

It’s a B&B with 6 rooms, located one hour north of London.

My mom runs the business

I run my mom.

Together we run our Universe!

Mother’s Day? I am sad

Mother’s Day? I am sad

I am so sad… My mother-daughter relationship is very low… We hardly get along. There are a few times she let me go out (but this always brings with it fights like ” why are u going out? u have to study! u re not as good as your sister is” and lately is gotten worse… she even said to me that she doesn t love me, well she got angry by a thing and that s” why she said that” * her explanation*, but as a mother you shouldn t be saying that…I felt like someone pulled my heart of my chest..

I am 16 years old, and believe me, I never told my mom if I was having a boyfriend or if I was having a fight with my best friend, nothing!.. They left town for 2 days and i called my boy best friend at my place, to catch up, to laugh like we used to because we haven t seen each other in a long time. But my mom find our that a boy came to my house and now she is never ever letting me home alone. She said that she expects the worst from me and that from now on she would not care about me and stuff like that. My girl best friend has the most wonderful mom i ve ever met, i always tell her everything, she knows when to be strict and when to laugh, when to give an advice.I feel like home in their house… But when it’s time to get home, I feel so sad, because I know that when I got home I will be yelled at and insulted… She doesn t appreciate me at all…

There is a lot to say, but I don t want to bore you…

Improve your Mother-Daughter Relationship!

I Understand Completely by Jenny


I Understand Completely by Jenny

Reading some of the articles in this blog was like reading the exact description of my mum, with the exception that mine is able to appear completely normal to outsiders, making people doubt my stories about my family.
I feel that my mum is almost certainly unstable, as do my siblings and dad. Dad doesn’t even live with us anymore as she has driven him away. Mum doesn’t understand that our family IS NOT normal, a fact that I’ve only realized since I was about 13, and is driven home as all of my friends have the most delightful families.
One of my mum’s favorite tactics is “divide and conquer” – she pits us against each other and dad in order to keep control. Also, she constantly accuses US of what she does wrong.
On top of every situation that you have described, my mum has the most annoying and embarrassing tendency to dress in my clothes!! She wears crop tops and boody shorts that even I wouldn’t dare to wear, and seems to feel this is appropriate despite our protests.
The worst thing, though, is that we have a very large family, so, when I compare my situation to a friend’s in order to show mum how ridiculous mine is, she claims “but you can’t compare us to people like that” or whatever.
Honestly, I feel that the only solutions to our situations is to get out as soon as possible. I’m in 11th grade now, so I’m leaving this hell hole soon, hopefully. Furthermore, this is going to make me a better parent to my children one day, as I will always try to never make them feel about me as I do about my mum. Lastly – we are better, stronger people because of the struggles we go through…
All the best and all my love…
Jenny ♡

Get inspired too on Mother’s Day


Get inspired too on Mother’s Day

My Mom is:

Amazing, Loving, Strong, Happy, (almost) Selfless, Graceful.

Thank you Mom, and happy Mother’s Day!

Hey, every day can be mother’s day…

Get inspired on Mother’s Day: get her an expensive gift, or NOT….

Mother and Child – The Movie – A Review


Mother and Child – The Movie

Mother and Child, have you seen this movie? It’s about giving away your baby after a teenage pregnancy for adaption. The decision to give up her baby daughter has always haunted Karen, the main character. The given-away-daughter Elizabeth, grows up to be solitary, willful, and hardhearted. She sees the world as a very unfriendly and treacherous place, and rightly so!

The impact on the 14 year old mother Karen, on the baby Elizabeth and on the mother of the teenage daughter, is very strong. The emotional stuff, like fear, shame and enormous guilt.

After seeing the movie, I was touched by the story and drama, especially because mother-daughter relationship problems are coming at women at high impact pain during stressful and challenging events.

In the end of the movie, the given-away-daughter Elizabeth becomes pregnant herself and dies while giving birth to her child. Since no one steps forward to claim the baby, a woman called Lucy adopts her. One year later, Karen finds out about her daughter Elizabeth’s death and letter, which informs her that she has a granddaughter named Ella. She meets the little girl and this is the happy end, thank God!

Some scenes were pretty rough but all and all, I enjoyed the movie.

It’s a given that we live in a society that is not very friendly towards women with teenage pregnancies, single mothers, or anything that escapes patriarchal system, morality and rules. How women try to resolve this and survive the system, is pretty damn creative. In the end, we should demand that the system change or change it ourselves.

Read more on Mother-Daughter-Relationship-Problems-Tips

In Honor of My Mum

In Honor of My Mum

All that I am today and all I will ever be, I owe to my Mum.

The Creator took me from my Mother’s womb and placed me in the great loving heart of my adoption Mum.

An very Appreciative Daughter

Love …..


“If you discover love, you will know exactly how to live”

Sri AmmaBhagavan

Oneness University, India